Inexpensive shared servers, like the one is using, include MySQL database software that you might be able to access from other servers or computers. But when you try to look up how to do this, you are likely to get instructions that are out-of-date and that appear more complicated than the process actually is.
Author: TomW
Stage 1 Review Cleanup
I mentioned at the end of my first post on Stage 1 Review that I was surprised both by how many articles had no abstract and by how easy it often was to find those articles online. However, I didn’t realize this when I started reviewing but about half-way through.
327 papers (13%) pass Stage 1 Review
I completed Stage 1 Review today. I budgeted two months for this and it only took one. Here are the counts:
Read-me-first Shiny tutorial III: debugging with print statements
Now that we’ve examined Shiny buzzers and butlers, let’s look at how we might debug a Shiny app that won’t run right. Again, we’ll start with the code Shiny currently autoloads when you create a new Shiny Web App in RStudio:
Continue reading “Read-me-first Shiny tutorial III: debugging with print statements”
Read-me-first Shiny tutorial II: finding the buzzers and butlers in a sample app
To get started with Shiny:
Continue reading “Read-me-first Shiny tutorial II: finding the buzzers and butlers in a sample app”
A totally different, read-me-first Shiny tutorial
Shiny is the package for adding a web interface to the R statistical language. The Shiny team provides a tutorial, articles, examples, a reference guide, a question and answer forum, conference videos from 2016 and 2017, and a GitHub repository.
Continue reading “A totally different, read-me-first Shiny tutorial”
Project code added to repositories
I have placed the current project code, which is a functioning single-user (on your own computer) version, in both repositories. It’s called RCT. The version of RCT in my personal account includes the data files for the vitamin D project; the version in the Open-Meta account does not and is ready to be used on a new project.
How to manage multiple GitHub accounts with RStudio
One thing about Git and GitHub that has had me puzzled was how to connect RStudio to two different GitHub accounts, my personal account and the Open-Meta account. My Google searches were turning up nothing on this.
Continue reading “How to manage multiple GitHub accounts with RStudio”
Time to grow up and use Git
Git is software that keeps close track of the changes you make to your work. The folks who wrote Linux designed and developed Git; group work on a software project is pretty much impossible without something like this.
Stage 1 review begins
An initial version of Open-Meta’s Stage 1 review software, called RCT, was written and tested last fall, but it only runs locally – that is, on the user’s computer, not on an online server.