Shiny button observer update: ignoring clicks on disabled buttons

In earlier posts, I’ve explained how to add a bit of JavaScript/jQuery code to your project that lets you have one Shiny observeEvent() handler for all your button and anchor clicks. This week I needed disabled buttons, which are easy to do visually by adding the Bootstrap disabled class to the button. But the buttons still responded to being clicked.

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Adding anchors to our Shiny button observer

In my previous post, I demonstrated a JavaScript / jQuery event handler that waits for button clicks and sends the id of the button that was clicked to a single observeEvent() in Shiny. In this post I’m going to improve that code while also extending it to include anchor tags (<a id="xxx">). Anchor tags are typically used to create links and include an href attribute that holds the URL of the linked document.

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One observer for all buttons in Shiny using JavaScript / jQuery

One of the profound limitations of Shiny is the way it supports buttons. Buttons are based on a function called actionButton(). When a button is clicked, Shiny reports the click on input$button_id. Every button has to have a unique id, which means that each button also has to have its own observer to watch for a click. But what if you want to do something like this:

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How to get Shiny on the server and JavaScript in the browser talking to each other

On our server we’re programming in R with a variety of add-on packages, primarily Shiny. Users, on the other hand, are all viewing our site using browsers, which run the programming language JavaScript. This article is about how to use a Shiny command to send a message to the user’s browser, telling it to run a JavaScript function. I’ll also include how to get that JavaScript function to send a message back to Shiny (it will appear as a reactive in the input$ list).

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