Creating linked GitHub, RStudio, and projects

Staying organized is a bitch. Using a separate RStudio project for each distinct task you’re working on is a core organizational principle that works on its own for statistical projects related to classwork or publications. Things get harder, however, when your RStudio project also has a GitHub repository and is a Shiny app hosted on a server like

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Project code added to repositories

I have placed the current project code, which is a functioning single-user (on your own computer) version, in both repositories. It’s called RCT. The version of RCT in my personal account includes the data files for the vitamin D project; the version in the Open-Meta account does not and is ready to be used on a new project.

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How to manage multiple GitHub accounts with RStudio

One thing about Git and GitHub that has had me puzzled was how to connect RStudio to two different GitHub accounts, my personal account and the Open-Meta account. My Google searches were turning up nothing on this.

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